Tuesday, October 27, 2009

In Which I Go Against Everything I've Ever Stood For.

I'm dropping out of school.

Yep, that's right...my mind is made up and it's not going back. This blog is intended for those who believe I've made a rash decision, who think I haven't thought it through enough, and to show that this is not giving up, but starting over.

I've been thinking a lot lately and talking to a lot of different people. While the consensus seems to be, among college students, that going to school is the be all end all of achieving success, a broader view of people seem to say no, there are alternate routes around.

I like to think of life as a sort of road trip. You start out not really knowing where you are headed, maybe you stop and ask directions at a gas station. But in reality, you are really in the drivers seat, with no mapquest directions to follow.

Most people today seem to think College is the superhighway to success. Going down alternate routes will only lead you astray, lost in the woods and out of gas. But in reality, College is only one road that most people choose to travel. But that does not make it the only road.

I've spoken to many different people, and most people whograduate from College are handed their piece of paper and think that they are prepared for what lies ahead. They go into jobs waving their diplomas and will probably get hired. But in reality, most of those people will find that the real experience they have been missing will come back to haunt them.

Living off ramen noodles and writing term papers will prepare you for just that. But working in a real-world environment shows that you have longevity and determination. The same as a college degree. While I would love to obtain a degree, at this point it seems a lost cause. Many factors at work with brand switching, pay cuts, flucuating hours and increased responsibilities have forced me to look again at my options.

I have not, since graduating from High School, written a single song. Aside from writing Romeo and Juliet for DHS, all my creative energy has been redirected to assignments, 40 hour weeks and practicing Musio Clementi's Sonatinas.

I have come to the conclusion that by pursuing a degree in music, I have, in essence, given up on what made me fall in love with the art in the first place. College cannot teach me the passion, ingenuity and emotion that used to define what I wrote before. And furthermore, constant drilling of musical laws and regulations have subconsciously boxed in my work.

My dropping out is, in a way, a breaking out of the standardized shell that schooling is effectively placing over me. Perhaps school may be your way out, but I've decided it is definitely not mine.


Anonymous said...

hola David.....it seems like you made up your mind...I must say that so many things you wrote are true...many of us pretty much survived and have a proffession..that doesn;t mean that we have everything in life....I so agree with you: they don't teach passion in college that is something that your soul has and if hapiness is what you are going to have without SSC go for it and I wish you the best...hopefully your parents are not gonna kill me but I think you are a great "kid" and you will be survivng in a very rough world...
love ...Martha

Anonymous said...

David, I can see you have made your decision, and I don't stand by it at all. I understand that you fell behind and felt that you had no other option... but I think you are giving up, and I think you're going to regret it. The whole argument that you cant learn passion and what not in class is bull, and the whole argument about you not writing music, is your own fault, not schools. instead of drinking night after night you could of written songs, don't blame it on school. ALL your creative energy goes towards assignments? which assignments? We haven't had nearly anything yet in classes. I will not stand by your decision. Everyone will miss you in class, but most of all me. Cause it was US that started this trip together, in a florescent, hot, dry, practice room freshman yr with one common love, Music. We were all excited to go through this together. And unfortunately you were the first to go. Sorry if this is harsh. Maybe this could be good song writing material. HWho knows. You know I care about you a whole bunch and I wish you well in all that you do.

The statue of Us.

Anonymous said...

ALso Anonymous,

I also agree, if you did not spend so much time drinking, can you imagine the amount of music you could have written. I think you need to sit down and think like a grown-up and see were you want to go in life. I don't think the job you have now will get you any where in life.

simplybex said...

If I read this before my first semester, I would disagree with you. But since I am reading this now, I do agree. I'm actually thinking about dropping out myself to open up a 1920's cafe with a vaudville stage =)