Monday, March 22, 2010

In Which I Become a Vampire.


In fact I just bought a whole bunch of preppy suits from mens warehouse. A grey and a blue.

Rather this post bears witness to the beginning of my life as an overnight worker. I recently got a job at the Sheraton Boston Hotel.

The place is just downright gorgeous, and the job pays alot more than I'm used to. My coworkers are hillarious, and I'm having a grand old time.

Plus it's great to not be a bum again.

The only thing that has been difficult to adjust to has been the scheduling, which includes it's share of 11pm-7am shifts. These are difficult to adjust to, seeing as it throws off your sleep cycle like nobody's business. Coming home around 9:30am, going to sleep until 5, then getting up, having something to eat, and going to work to start the whole cycle over again.

This schedule sets my social life on a pecipice, but it's all right for now. I learned from working before that life is appreciated far more when isolated into small days off. This may seem depressing, but when you only have so much time off in a week, it makes you want to go out and seize it. Especially working graveyard shifts.

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