- Children ride tricycles till 3am.
- Mary Jane Park mostly stays true to it's name.
- The only white people live on the third floor of #35 with myself.
- Become well versed in Seinfeld, Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and humor of that nature. Without the aforementioned knowledge, life will make very little sense.
- Learn to make a snapping noise by waving your right hand in the air.
- Don't pee off the balcony.
- Know the location of Holden's Oil, and it's purpose in life.
- Buy food at some point from Plum tomatoes.
- If possible, become employed by one of the aforementioned companies.
- Keep Working on that snapping noise.
- Understand and appreciate the inner workings of "SPC".
- Learn to play as many games with ping pong balls as you possibly can.
- People who drop objects of value while visiting endure a leave of absence before returning.
- Don't pee off the balcony.
- Parking on a certain side of the road on certain tuesdays can earn you a ticket.
- Practice the snapping noise again.
- Learn the definition of the verb "To Snap" and all of it's conjugations.
- 15 year old neighbors drop out of school early, and visit regularly.
- Hairstyles change, but N*Sync is forever.
- Police only respond to actual emergencies, ie. loud music or peeing outside. Burglaries, drug trafficking and street fights are unimportant.
- Don't pee off the balcony.
- The downstairs neighbor will be blasting Reggae and chugging Heineken by 8am.
- Don't say good night when going to bed. Don't say goodbye when talking on the phone.
- People will often fall asleep on your couches. Once in a while they will migrate to your bed if you aren't using it.
- "La Cocina" is the best place to by rotten fruit and strange beverages. Congress Street is run by asians and is the best place to buy anything else.
- Electricians creep around and live in the basement.
- Can you make that snapping noise yet?
- Festivus occurs once a year.
As one can probably tell, it takes some getting used to. But I think I might be slowly learning.