Are you still there?
I can't believe it's been nearly a month since I 've posted on here. It only feels like a couple of days have past. A couple VERY busy days. To start to get up to date is overwhelming. let's make a numbered list shall we?
1.) All moved in... even moreso than I was before and it is great. Getting to know people is one of my greatest joys in life and this new living arrangement has given that oppurtunity to me many times. Countless hours spent sitting out on the roof with different people, one on one, getting to know eachother, watching the cop cars circle the neighborhood (hey, it's not exactly Beverly Hills). Each person I've met I have been fortunate enough to share much in common.
Annnnd here comes the sub-list!!!
2A.) HOLY CHRIST Obama... please install some working bathrooms SOMEWHERE in DC... I sawear every mens room in the city was closed... and the one that wasn't closed (the Lincoln Memorial) I couldn't use because the womens room was closed, so all the women decided "hey, let's stampede the men's room in the shadow of our nation's great emancipator!" So I couldn't use the bathroom desgnated for my gender because there were WOMEN in it.
2C.) All in all it was a great trip. It's fascinating to think that behind the walls of every buidling we passed in DC, major decisions about how our country is run were taking place. And whether or not we agree with these decisions, it's still incredible to be in the spot they are made.
Ironically enough, President Obama was not around. Oh no, he wasn't hiding in the White House, he was on Vacation. IN MASSACHUSETTS.
And now I leave you with all these updatey and far too untimely utterances. Back to the philosophical ramblings soon.
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